sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

Tonteca Laws

Main principles of tonteca communities

  1. Tontecas are human beings that constitute a community governed under the tonteca laws.

  2. The tonteca law preface any other divine or human law.

  3. Any alien who settles among tontecas and accept their laws will be a tonteca.

  4. Any tonteca who wants to leave the tonteca community may do it freely, after settling accounts with tonteca justice.

  5. All tontecas are equals before the tonteca laws.

  6. Tontecas communities will be based on the values of free association, socialism, christianism, self-management, division of powers, respect for elders, family and education.

  7. Tontecas communities take as axes in their relations with other communities, tontecas or not, the values of peace, dialogue, collaboration and solidarity. Tontecas communities never will make use of war, except in cases of serious danger to the tonteca community or humanitarian imperative.

Fundamental political rights of tontecas

  1. All tontecas older than 20 are tonteca citizens.

  2. All tontecas minors than 20 will be placed under the guardianship of their parents. Until they attain citizenship, will be referred as tontecas disciples.

  3. In the absence of the parents of a disciple, the community, in the figure of the pastor, appoints his tutors.

  4. Marriage and family will be protected by tontecas.

  5. Every citizen may marry. The tonteca disciples may not marry.

  6. Divorce is permitted.

  7. It is allowed marriage between persons of the same sex.

  8. Every tonteca, man or woman, who reaches the age of 35, is married and has more than one child, will be a tonteca elector, and is entitled to elect the governing of their community.

  9. Every tonteca who has been tonteca elector for 15 years will be a tonteca magister and be eligible to be a tonteca rector of the community.

Tonteca municipality, its assembly and its guiding

  1. The tonteca municipality is the fundamental unit of political and economic tonteca organization. Tonteca municipalities are sovereign.

  2. Tontecas municipalities will have an adequate size. If one municipality have more than 10,000 souls, their rectors will separated it into two or more distinct municipalities.

  3. All tonteca electors, magisters and rectors form the tonteca assembly, tonteca highest authority of the municipality for all purposes.

  4. The assembly will be considered constituted if, in one form or another, are present at least 70% of tonteca electors, magisters and rectors of the municipality.

  5. The tonteca assembly will be constituted and will have a session at least once every month.

  6. The tonteca assembly will take decisions by simple majority.

  7. The rectors of each tonteca municipality will be a mayor, a secretary, a treasurer, a judge and a pastor. The management of each rector tonteca is independent of the rest of his colleagues.

  8. The rectors of the community will be elected by the tonteca assembly for a period of one year, renewable twice at most. After holding a post as rector, a tonteca can not be rector again for at least 5 years.

  9. A tonteca rector will cease if he receives the veto of the tonteca assembly.

  10. The tonteca mayor enforces tonteca laws and regulations, keep public order, deliver offenders to the tonteca judge and execute penalties.

  11. The tonteca secretary organize the activity of the tonteca assembly regarding logistics, agenda, communication, daily meetings and any other activity related to it.

  12. The tonteca judge values tonteca laws violations and decides the punishments.

  13. The tonteca pastor cares of faith and devotion to Our Lord Jesus Christ of the tonteca community.

  14. The tonteca treasurer manages the economy of tonteca community under the principles of socialism, welfare and solidarity.

  15. Tonteca pastor, seeking inspiration in the Gospels, may draft tonteca regulations, with character less than tontecas laws, to be presented and approved or rejected by the tonteca assembly. Tontecas regulations never will contravene the tonteca laws.

  16. The tonteca treasurer will allocate the necessary human and material resources in order the rest of tonteca rectors and coordinators to fulfill their duties properly.

On crimes and punishments among tontecas

  1. Among tontecas the crimes are classified in felonies, crimes and misdemeanors.

  2. The tonteca mayor will propose to the tonteca assembly penalties for types of crimes and the tonteca assembly will approved for a period of at least three years.

  3. Murder is forbidden and is a felony.

  4. The abortion is prohibited and is a felony.

  5. The rape of any kind is prohibited and is a felony.

  6. Using rector position for personal profit is prohibited and is a felony.

  7. Polygamy is prohibited and is a crime.

  8. Consensual sex with minors under 14 are prohibited and is a crime.

  9. Theft is forbidden and is a crime.

  10. Dirty or break the streets or public property is prohibited and is a crime.

  11. Vagrancy is prohibited and is a crime.

  12. The active blasphemy is prohibited and is a crime. It will not be considered as such atheism, religious apathy or profess a religion other than christianism.

  13. The tontecas respect nature and all living things. The unjustified aggression against any living or the environment is prohibited and is a crime.

  14. Drugs are banned and their use and trading is a crime.

  15. Tonteca pastor, within his role in the drafting of tonteca regulations, may propose crimes for the categories of crimes and misdemeanors, to be submitted and approved or rejected by the tonteca assembly.

On the economic organization of tontecas

  1. Tontecas respect and dignify the work, study and personal effort in whatever form.

  2. All citizens in the tonteca community will work.

  3. Before access to citizenship, the tonteca disciples only will be devoted to education. Not work.

  4. Productive assets and capital are owned by tonteca community and governed by the treasurer.

  5. Tontecas citizens will own proprietary goods for own consumption unless they do interfere with the general welfare of the community.

  6. The legacy does not exist among tontecas. On the death of a tonteca, its assets pass to the community.

  7. The working week is limited to 48 hours. In general, the tontecas will work 8 hours daily from Monday to Saturday and spent Sunday for rest and devotion to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

  8. In managing its minor economic organizations, tontecas will be governed by the principle of self-management, within the framework of a planned economy.

Supramunicipal organization of tontecas

  1. Tontecas municipalities will be grouped into counties, these into regions and these into countries.

  2. The character of the counties, regions and countries will be the confederation on the lower units that group together.

  3. The counties, regions and countries will have rectors in charge of coordinate the lower units, called coordinators.

  4. The coordinators will be elected among tonteca magisters and will, for all purposes of other laws tonteca rectors. To be coordinator, a magister must have proven experience as tonteca rector at municipal level.

  5. Tonteca coordinators in the counties will be selected or vetted by tonteca judges of the grouped municipalities.

  6. Tonteca coordinators of regions and countries will be selected or vetted by tonteca coordinators of the counties or regions grouped.

On tonteca dictators

  1. Given exceptional circumstances of extreme danger to the tonteca community, this may appoint a dictator who militarized tonteca society in order to avert the danger.

  2. The need for a tonteca dictator will be decided by all the rectors (mayors, clerks, judges, pastors, treasurers and coordinators) by direct vote of all of them.

  3. The tonteca dictator will be chosen by the mayors of the tonteca municipalities affected.

  4. Tonteca dictator may be vetoed at any time by their tonteca voters.

  5. Tonteca dictator may not be in charge for more than a year. After so, he will never be a tonteca dictator or rector again.

Names among tontecas

  1. The name of tontecas is divided into four parts: state, name, first and second patronymic.

  2. The state between tontecas corresponds to its status in the community: disciple, citizen, elector, magister, mayor, secretary, pastor, treasurer, judge, coordinator or dictator.

  3. The name will be given to tontecas by their parents.

  4. The first patronymic will be the name of the parent with the opposite sex to the tonteca, derived with the suffix-iz.

  5. The second patronymic will be the name of parent with the same sex to the tonteca, derived with the suffix-osa.

Tontecas symbols

  1. Tonteca flag consists of the colors black (symbolizing freedom) and vermilion red (symbol of socialism), in alternating quarters, routed so that black is toward the top of the mast, separated by a cross (symbol of Christianity), white (symbol of pacifism) the width of half the height of a quarter.

  1. Tonteca communities (municipalities, counties, regions and countries) may create their own shields that appear in the center of the tonteca flag.

Changes in tonteca laws

  1. Tonteca laws are immutable and can not be changed.

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Las leyes tontecas by tonteca@gmail.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 3.0 Unported License.

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